Tuesday, December 14, 1999

Dominatrix or stripper?

I’ve got the sweetest hunny in the world. He told me to expect a package from him and I had thought it was just some trinket or something small. When I picked it up today from the post office, I was flabbergasted by the size of the box. Well, it wasn’t that big, however I had expected a parcel the size of my palm for some reason. I felt like a kid when the parcel was handed to me. I beamed and hugged it rather excitedly. What a sweetie. He had packed a Berkeley sweater (he had told me that he bought one for me although I was expecting it at Christmas) AND the most adorable teddy bear with a Cal sweater. It’s the best-looking bear I’ve ever had. Oh, I love him so much. I immediately wrote an e-mail to Kris, thanking him and in the same breath, scolding him for spending so much money on me. Hun, you could have saved the parcel as Christmas gifts!!

I wrote my first final today and (knock on wood) I think I did pretty well. It was rather funny though. I think my t.a. gave me the answer to one of the questions. I had asked her about a sentence in one of the short-answer questions and she didn’t just give me hints. She practically told me everything I had to know about the question. I was rather surprised. She even prompted me, so if this was that, the answer would be….? I said what I thought and she nodded with satisfaction. I’ve got the best t.a. in the world! No wonder the guy in front of me kept calling on her for every single damn question. I was wondering about that. So you would think that I would ask her again for other questions but I didn’t want to take advantage of her. Anyway, I wanted to do this on my own. I thanked her after the final for 'being my t.a.' (suckup! yah, i know) and she insisted that I see her again sometime. tee hee, I think she likes me. Damn, I should have ask her about the other questions.

During the final, I had stomach cramps attack. I managed to ignore it while I was working on my final but afterwards, I just wanted to go home right away. However, I had to wait for a couple of hours to see my genetics t.a. and my fish prof. I don’t know whether it was worth it though. My t.a. didn’t give me satisfactory answers and he’s my best option. If you’re a regular reader, you would know that my genetics prof is a rude jerk (stoppit!goodthoughts!goodthoughts!!).

My fish prof is a lot friendlier but he was busy today and I didn’t feel like expanding on my questions and thus, I wasn’t really satisfied talking to him. I have to track down my fish t.a. before my final and ask her instead. She’s knowledgeable and so approachable.

Oh, I was in my fish prof’s office and his phone rang. He told me to wait a sec and started talking on the phone. I’m very adept at tuning other conversations out which I did until I heard him say on the phone, “so are you a dominatrix or a stripper?”

I thought to myself, “I want to get out of here”. I made a motion of getting up and he waved me down. I wish he didn’t because I would be more comfortable not being there. He explained later that it was his wife and she’s an aspiring actress. She had an audition today and had an attack of the nerves. The director had wanted her to improvise on the role. Weird, I heard he was married but the only pictures he had on his desk were of his cat. And he talks about his cat a lot in class.

I’ve never heard him talk about his married life. I wonder if he does that to keep foolish female undergrads hopeful? (he’s young and attractive) Haa haa… just thinking about the toga girl.


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