Monday, December 13, 1999

On a crazed high

It snowed for a while here in school. I groaned when I found out. Sure, it's pretty but try driving UP a mountain in the snow. I've been stuck a couple of times now and it's so embarrassing to leave your car on the road and hike up to school. Everybody stares; no one stops to give me a lift. Bastards.

I have my first final tomorrow. I just talked to a friend and he's already done for the semester. And gloating about it too. I won't be done till this Saturday. I have two finals on that day and one the day before.

I've been really hyper last couple of nights. I didn't sleep at all last night and it was not because I was scared of the bogey-man (this time, anyway). It's all that coffee that I'm suddenly drinking to stimulate the cerebrum. I just kept on thinking, and thinking about the stupidest things like, what if, I had tele-porter abilities. I could wake up five minutes before class and still be on time. And then I thought that would be so cool because I wouldn't have to buy expensive airline tickets to go home. I subsequently listed all the places in the world that I wanted to tele-port myself to: Madagascar, New Zealand, Sulawesi… Just the dumbest thoughts that went on and on all night. You would think that I would utilize my time efficiently and work on my finals but nooooo. I'm an idiot.

So that's when I decided to work on a Christmassy design for my diaryland site. I'm very pleased with the results. My inspiration this year is the Grinch because I have no money to buy gifts for this Christmas. I've added a .wav song from the movie - it's 'Welcome, Christmas' when the whole town gets together and sing. I initially had the classical "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" up but I thought in the spirit of Christmas, a sweet Christmas song was in order.

Supposedly, there's this Christmas contest that Andrew's holding but I haven't heard more about it. I'm hoping to win at least something and give that to Kris. I wish I could give him more.


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